Q: What is the Weekly P&L Leaderboard?
A: The weekly leaderboard ranks users based on their Profit and Loss (P&L).
Q: Where can I see my rank in the Weekly P&L Leaderboard?
A: You can access the leaderboard within the Flipster app by navigating to [Account] > [Weekly P&L Leaderboard].
Q: How is my weekly P&L being calculated?
A: The weekly P&L is calculated from Monday at 00:00 UTC to Sunday at 23:59 UTC and will reset on a weekly basis.
Q: How often does the Weekly P&L Leaderboard update?
A: The Leaderboard updates every 10 minutes.
Q: Do I get rewards for being at the top of the Weekly P&L Leaderboard?
A: No. Please note that the weekly leaderboard has no association to any of our existing campaigns/rewards currently.