Q: What is Notional Min/Max Order Amount?
A: Notional Min/Max Order Amount refers to the range of order value that the user can input for the order to go through successfully.
Q: What is Notional Position Size?
A: Notional Position Size refers to the total position value that the user is holding in his/her Flipster account.
Q: What is Notional Max Position Size and how does it affect me?
A: Notional Max Position Size refers to the the total position value that the user can hold at any given time.
This means that if the Notional Max Position Size has been reached, the user will not be able to place additional order that will increase the position size.
Q: How is Notional Order Amount or Position Size calculated?
A: It is calculated using this formula:
Notional Value = Quantity of Contract * Average Entry Price
Notional Value = Order Cost * Leverage
Q: Is the Notional Order Amount and Position Size cumulative across all symbols?
A: No, both Notional Order Amount and Position Size are calculated separately for each symbol. This means that the Notional Min/Max Order Amount and Max Position Size varies between symbols.
Q: How do I know the Notional Min/Max Order Amount and Max Position Size for each symbol?
A: You may refer to the Contracts Page here for more details.
Once you are in the Contracts page, search for the symbol and scroll down to Notional Min Order Amount, Notional Max Order Amount and Notional Max Position Size.
Q: Is there any changes to the Notional Max Order Amount recently?
A: You may refer to the announcement on 15 February 2024 regarding the changes of the Notional Max Order Amount.
This update will make it more convenient for all Flipstars to set Notional Max Positions with effect from 15 February 2024:
Change in Notional Max Order Amount:
- Category 1: No Change
- Category 2: From 100,000 to 300,000 USDT
- Category 3: From 50,000 to 150,000 USDT
- Category 4: From 15,000 to 45,000 USDT
- Category 5: From 2,000 to 6,000 USDT
Do note that this update will not affect BTCUSDT.PERP/ETHUSDT.PERP.